New Website Launched for Posiflex

September 5, 2016

New Website Launched for Posiflex
We are very excited to announce the launch of our new Posiflex website. Posiflex has recently merged with our existing Viking Johnson brand to make for a better customer experience. Soon to be fully responsive and mobile friendly, we will continue to make website improvements over the coming months. We aim to make the website faster whilst also making significant improvements to navigation, making it easier to find the products you are looking for.
Posiflex is committed to being a leader in the design and manufacture of rubber expansion joints, providing engineered solutions, superior customer service, and competitive prices. With our experienced engineers and sales team, we are proud to have worked across multiple industries and sectors providing powerful solutions to even the most demanding applications. 

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Press & Media Contacts

Simon Shand-Brown
Crane Building Services & Utilities
Group Marketing & Communications Manager
01473 277300