The Great Manmade River Project, Libya - Water Utilities - Water Supply and Irrigation

Project: The Great Man Made River Project, Libya Client: Great Man Made River Authority Architect/Consulting Engineer: Brown and Root, Price Brothers Contractor: Dong AH Consortium (Phase 1), Al Nahr Company Ltd (Phase 2), Nippon Koei and Halcrow Consortium (Phase 3) Sub-contractor: Enka Construction and Al Nahr Distributor: Direct Supply Specification: Viking Johnson - couplings and flange adapters on the control pipework and incoming trunk main
The project, which consists of many phases, was named the world's largest irrigation project in the Guiness World Records 2008 and is the largest water construction scheme ever undertaken. 1953 efforts to find oil led to the discovery of large quantities of fresh water in Libya, a desert country surviving on poor quality water from underground acquifiers and desalination plants.
Today, the large network of 4m diameter pipes, buried underground extends 4000km into the Sahara desert. It transports 6,500,00m cubed of fresh water every day, providing an almost unlimited supply to the Libyan population, for municipal, industrial and agricultural use. Viking Johnson supplied products varying in diameter from DN400 to DN4000 for various parts of the project, including vehicle access chambers, block valve chambers and pumping stations.